It's not about me. It is about you and how I can help protect your best interests and exceed your expectations when selling your home. That is how I judge my success.
As a Trust & Probate specialist, it’s my mission to ensure that everyone has an estate plan to protect their family from ever having to go through the pain of probate. I have witnessed the additional grief people experience when they are forced to sell their loved one’s home in order to pay hefty probate costs; that’s why I’m passionate about educating people about the intricacies of inheriting real estate. If you are going to sell your home, it should only be because you want to, not because you have no other choice.
When not working with clients you can find me enjoying time with my family, cooking, knitting, hiking, camping, traveling, and being a craft beer snob. And most importantly I am a truly blessed wife, mom and grandma to four of the best little ones ever. Always grateful and ready to be of service!